Some locums may be put off from working at a particular optician's due to the technology that is being used to deliver patient care or to keep patient records. This can be due to a number of reasons from the experienced professional who enjoys the old-fashioned way of eye testing, to the locum who may not have had experience with a particular piece of technology.

There are simple steps you can take to address the barriers of the technology-wary optometrist:

  • Write an article on your website and social media, on how the technology you use enhances the patient’s experience and is an aid to the optometrist.
  • Invite locums to come into your store to see the technology and use the equipment.
  • Offer training on how to use the equipment and or advise where they can go and get trained in using the piece of apparatus.
  • Let a locum shadow an appointment.
  • When advertising a position, highlight the technology you use and that there are opportunities to gain experience with the equipment.

Locate a Locum Marketplace

Locate a Locum can assist you in identifying locums who have the skills to operate the technology in your store, or who are open to learning more about it. Our marketplace of compliant locums can be filtered, so that you can access locums with the skillset you require to fulfil your shift requirements.

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Locate a Locum Team