At Locate a Locum, we want to shine a spotlight on our wonderful team and hear about their experiences working with us. Some of our team have been with the company for over 3 years, that's essentially half of our lifetime! The company is continually growing so we wanted to hear from the OG Locate a Locum team and their journey with us from nearly day one.

Meet Office Manager - Mary Lambert

How long have you worked at Locate a Locum:

3 years, 8 months and some days

Why did you join Locate a Locum and what has made you stay?

Office Manager for a start up is my dream job and not my first rodeo! You know there will always be a challenge and you know the rewards will be huge. It's a roll your sleeves up and get stuck in mentality / environment As the business has grown, the challenge has changed, I have seen so much growth both in individuals and in the company but the pace has not slowed down.

What’s your favourite thing about your role at LaL?

The variety - no day is ever the same.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within the company?

No one person, but I’ve seen employees be promoted within a few months of joining the company - coming in at a relatively junior level and now running a team. I've watched people learn and grow both professionally and personally. People never cease to amaze me - everyone has a story and that story is usually pretty interesting!

What's the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?

Don't sweat the small stuff! And don’t beat yourself up if you don’t really know where you want to be in 5/10/15 years. Try a few different roles, get some experience in larger and smaller companies - it's a totally different vibe! Don’t set your standards by someone else opinion or expectations, love what you do.

Thanks for reading, have a great day!
Locate a Locum Team