One of the biggest benefits of locum work is the flexibility it offers. Locum work can take a variety of forms, whether you chose to locum full-time, part-time or casually pick up shifts. As a result of this many of our locums choose to locum alongside fulltime employment in order to supplement their income.

What are the benefits of locuming on a casual basis?

Well, the first benefit is fairly self-explanatory. Through booking shifts via. Locate a Locum you are able to benefit from the high rates offered by locum work. Many of our locums enjoy the supplementary income afforded to them by locum work in addition to their salary. Furthermore, when working as a locum you can choose how often you work locum shifts - You’re in full control!

Another benefit of working as a locum on a causal basis is that you are able to stay on top of your skills. You can locum in pharmacies that specialise in different areas, or somewhere that uses different PMR software. This enables you to refresh and maintain skills you may not be used regularly in your permanent role.

The networking opportunities afforded by locuming is also invaluable. We often hear how much our locums enjoy the opportunity to meet new people in their field. Not only is this an opportunity to create new relationships, it also can help build your reputation professionally. Pharmacist Review

Tips on how to balance locum work with a full-time role

Trial It Out First

The benefit of locum work is that you are not under any contract therefore you have the freedom to try it out for a month or two to decide if it is for you. Start off by booking one or two shifts and see how you find the additional hours.

Set Realistic Expectations

If you are already working full time be realistic about the number of shifts you can commit to in a given month. You will still need to maintain a work/life balance. So chose a shift pattern that suits your lifestyle whether that’s picking up only one extra shift a month or more.

Book in Advance

Planning is key! Locate a Locum have shifts available months in advance of their start date. By booking shifts well in advance you will be able to organise your life and plan accordingly. Through planning in advance you can easily maintain your work/life balance. You can also plan your shifts around when you may benefit most from supplementary income.

Want to start your locum journey?

Join Locate a Locum today and you can start searching for shifts straight away!

Thanks for reading, have a great day!
Locate a Locum Team