Locate a Locum has received support from Invest Northern Ireland under the European Union’s Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme. The project has begun and will continue to be implemented over the next year, performing research and development activities aimed at developing automated payments for locums.

EU Regional Development Fund

Jonny Clarke, CEO of Locate a Locum said: “Our product suite allows healthcare organisations to manage every aspect of their workforce via an intuitive mobile app and cloud-based solution. Our products function as powerful tools to improve healthcare organisations and healthcare workers working lives.

“We’ve benefitted from a range of support from Invest NI over the years which has helped us grow and expand our products, improve our platform and create jobs that are pivotal as we strive to mobilise the world’s healthcare workforce.

This partnership will help us continue to innovate the healthcare industry through our Pharmacy Locum Automated payment project."

Thanks for reading, have a great day!
Locate a Locum Team