As a self-employed locum optometrist it is important to stay on top of your finances. Some opticians that you work in may have their own locum optometrist invoice template but it is important for you to have your own, just incase.

Issuing invoices at the end of your shift is highly efficent for both you and your employer. Having a record of these will also make your self assessment a lot easier.

Invoice Overview

The information below is a basic set of data that all locum optometrist invoices should include. The aim is to provide clear and concise information to make it as easy as possible for empployers to issue payment.

Personal Details

Basic information such as name, address, and contact information.

GOC Number

This is to allow the optician to match their records

Bank Details

Account number and sort code. Sharing this information doesn’t put you at risk as money cannot be taken from your account using them.

Optician Details

Branch name and address.

For The Attention Of (FAO)

This is the person who will authorise your payment such as the store manager or coordinator for large multiples.

Unique Reference Number

Each invoice you issue will need to have a unique reference number. This could be the name of the pharmacy and the date, or it could be a sequential number from your own invoicing records. For example, “BOOTS20180601” or “INV000001”.

Date Of Invoice

This is the date that you issued the invoice.

Payment Due Date

These are terms that you can decide on. Some larger optical organsiations may default to a 30-days payment window, meaning they will pay the invoice within 30-days. You may also ask for immediate payment, or payment within 7 or 14 days.

Details of Services Performed

For the benefit of your own records and for clear communication, it’s good to add one line per day or shift. Include the following for each line:

Shift Dates

Dates that you performed services or worked shifts on.

Hours worked - This may be a total of hours worked that shift or you may wish to show which hours you worked. For example, “08:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 18:00” plus the total hours worked.


This is your locum day rate that was agreed with the optician or coordinator.


A simple calculation of days x rate for each line.


Any agreed expenses such as travel that you may charging the optician. This will need to have been agreed in advance.

Additional Services

Any additional services you may have performed such as clinics or additional hours.

Invoice Total

A total for all the work being invoiced.

The optician now has all the information they need in order to pay you. You may wish to design your own template or the one used in the example above is available to download here.

Locum Optometrist Invoice Template

You can download your own locum optometrist invoice template from the link below:

View Template

Thanks for reading, have a great day!
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